How It Works
Quality is assured from first contact with us, to the safe delivery of your components. We work with you to understand your requirements and make the best choices for your project through deep knowledge. Discover more about how we work with you to get your parts made.
Quote Request
When you have parts and designs that need to be manufactured, use the quick and easy Credex Imagineering LLP Quote Request Form, or call us to discuss your project. Simply upload your CAD files and your contact details. Our team of manufacturing experts aim to supply your quote within 24 hours.
We will always make sure your project:
- Is delivered on time
- Meets design specifications
- Represents good value
When you have exceptional ideas, designs and innovation; we want to help you Get It Made.
Quote Production
Within 24 hours, we will produce a quote for the completion of your project, here is how it happens:
A precise understanding of your requirements, paired with access to a vast engineering resource enables us to formulate an optimised solution for your project.
The vast range of engineering capabilities within our factories gives us unprecedented choice and empowers us to make the best decisions for the production of your components. We choose the best capabilities for each project based on a solid understanding of operational capacity and manufacturing expertise.
Review Your Quote
As you review your quote, you can be sure that we have ascertained the optimal process for completion of your project, within the necessary timeframe.
When you are ready, contact us to place your order and production will begin immediately . Our factories keep a lean order book and have the ability to meet deadlines.
Project Management
Project logistics are meticulously planned and managed from initial order, to final delivery. Our reputation for great project management is well deserved; we take full responsibility of your parts from start to finish.
We manage your project’s entire process, allowing you to focus on what you do best; making, designing and engineering the world’s best products and services. Regular contact is maintained throughout the manufacturing process, keeping you informed and up to date.
Parts Shipped Directly
On completion of the project, your parts will be shipped direct from the factory to you. With years of experience in logistics, the navigation of reporting to authorities for tax and clearance is dealt with swiftly and effectively. Your parts can travel from our trusted partners to your door within three days. With no time wasted and no duty to pay, the process is designed for efficiency and with your interests in mind.
Get A 24 Hour Quote
Fill in our quote form and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.